The Old Soul Concept

The Old Soul concept confuses me. If time is an illusion and the soul operates outside our time/space continuum, all incarnations happen simultaneously and the soul retrieves the experiences from the incarnations all at the same moment. So if there is an old soul it would be the soul of every human being simultaneously at any given moment, meaning it would be the same for all. Not particularly representing young or old as we know it from a linear perspective, but representing one soul collective that appears to be represented by an individual yet all are one and one are all. The assumption of young and old is one of conditioning of course since we are in the grand illusion of growth, beginnings, endings and hierarchy which again lends credence to the old soul analogy, likely presuming that older means more experienced. Yet the young have been the old and the old have been the young and we have all been everything under the sun, so if you'd like to call yourself an old soul, bravo, but you are no older or younger than the rest, because there is only you and so many versions of you have no age, but you seem to like this version [insert soul laughter].

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