A Lighter Consciousness Comes To Play

The more I peer deeper into what is perceived as a lighter consciousness, the immense powers and wisdom that come from a sense of love and compassion, the more I connect to a darker version, that other side always within me that wants to put that compassion train on a hard pause, because it wants to play a different game.

The darkness strengthens and weakens simultaneously as it is given more compassion. It weakens temporarily but strengthens in the long term. So the darker can become darker by serving it a compassionate perspective over time. The darker something becomes, the more it must allow light in and absorb it. What is inside darkness are particles of light, a type of dark photon. If there is a light photon there is a dark photon.

Inside of dark photons at the core of darkness is a powerful light source. Same for light…at its core, there is a powerful dark source that illuminates everything. It is the contrast in between them that we call density or the dense state of reality. Where everything supposedly is located physically, yet none of it exists anywhere. So it’s denser than what? Is the next state less dense? Is that question even relevant in the next state?

Are we denser now than we were 10,000 years ago? Every single thing we know about our previous sufferings as human beings is lighter today and so are our bodies and our states of consciousness. This comes into being through the reciprocal and complementary state on the other side that is very contracted and considered to be appealing to a darker cycle. As the dark cycles through other timelines (that are all you), you manifest different versions, you play the lighter cycles (also referred to as the more advanced states of consciousness “heavy coughing to the side”) with the darker cycles simultaneously. The movie Cloud Atlas expressed a similar concept.

When does it cycle back? Every moment. Every moment that you are light, you are dark. Every moment you are dark, you are light. Without their unity, there is no you.

We are becoming lighter, more aware of things once known but forgotten, and it is producing a state among humans or Earthlings that is somewhat more contracted and unilateral in its patterns of thought driven by “what is being done to me” masked as “what is being done to others,” which really translates to “what is being done to others is being done to me and I don’t want what I see being done to others, to be done to me.” And there begins the beautiful play of love, compassion, empathy for our fellow human so that we may feel wonderful ourselves. Who is the compassion for ultimately? Who are we?

Are we creating these cycles? Are we aware we are creating these cycles? Are we becoming more aware of the subconscious cycles we had never seen within ourselves before?

Darkness bows.
Light says “no please I must you are so talented”
Darkness insists.
Light says “you may express as you wish. May I?”
Darkness says “no”
We’re going to have a beautiful dance.

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