What You Cannot See Will Kill You.

Now that is one powerful story. It is next level adornment by those who truly cherish it. The fact that they can choose to cherish it is freedom for them.

They don't care about the other side of the story because in the guise of prevention and compassion towards our fellow human comes a form of righteousness that is very driven to "do better".

It does not believe in many things that are universal in nature because "doing better" is more important than embracing "anything else" regardless of what that "anything else" is.

If you have another mind, perhaps more creative in platform and operation, you may be able to discern some variables that those driven by “doing better” cannot. On the flip side, they may also appreciate things you struggle to appreciate.

You may be able to see both sides of an equation, but that doesn’t mean others can or will. They may only invite possibilities of grand imbalance which they perceive as balance in their world.

The program is deep and the hypnosis is deep. We can certainly at times appreciate each other’s frustration. We are all hypnotized in different ways. Perhaps that polarization is all we need to bring us to somewhere unknown. A place where our polarizations allow other parts of ourselves to just be.

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