I Met An Alien Today....

I met an alien today. She said she was speaking in her alien language but all I heard was English. I told her I was only speaking English and she told me all she could hear was her alien language. Then she asked me how I'm vocalizing and speaking? I said same way as you are. She said that she wasn't speaking or vocalizing. She didn't appear to realize that she was doing the exact same thing I was. So then she asked me why I look the way I do. I said "you mean human?" She said "no, like me." I said " I don't look like you. You are female I am male." She said "why do you think that." I said "because it's obvious". She said "how is that obvious?" I told her I have male features, stubble on my face, deeper voice, and I can only focus on one thing at a time. She said "ya that last part, that's it" I said "how?" She said "see me as you rather than focusing on me and you". That's when I saw that she was me.